例句 |
clocknoun a device to measure timethe clock reads 5:00 p.m. chronometer, timekeeper, timepiece, timer alarm clock, atomic clock, cuckoo clock, grandfather clock, time clockclepsydra, hourglass, sandglass, sundial, water clockchronograph, stopwatch, watch clockverbto deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous mannersick of being insulted, he swung around and clocked his tormentor hard enough to knock him off his bar stool bang, bash, bat, belt, biff, bludgeon, bob, bonk, bop, box, bust, clap, clip, clobber, clout, crack, hammer, hit, knock, nail, paste, pound, punch, rap, slam, slap, slog, slug, smack, smite, sock, strike, swat, swipe, tag, thump, thwack, wallop, whack, whale, zap batter, beat, buffet, bung, chop, cuff, drub, lace, lambaste(or lambast), lick, mangle, maul, pelt, pepper, pommel, pummel, roughscuffbunt, flick, stroke, tapbump, butt, jab, jostle, kick, knee, poke, prod, push, shove, stampbowl (down or over), cream, deck, dump(slang), fell, floor, knock down, levelrabbit-punch, sucker punchcane, club, cudgel, flail, flog, lash, sap, slash, sledge, sledgehammer, spear, stab, switch, thrash, whipbean, brain, conk, skull hang one on in the 14th century |