例句 |
facilelyadverb without difficultymost TV sitcoms give the impression that family problems can be solved facilely and in less than 30 minutes easily, easy, effortlessly, fluently, freely, handily, hands down, lightly, painlessly, readily, smoothly, well ably, adeptly, adroitly, competently, deftly, dexterously, efficiently, expertly, masterfully, proficiently, skillfullyinstinctively, intuitively, naturally, spontaneously in a breeze, no sweat(slang), without ado, without a hitch arduously, hardly, laboriously, strenuously awkwardly, clumsily, gracelessly, ham-handedly, ineptly, maladroitly, unskillfullymeticulously, painfully, painstakingly, thoroughlyassiduously, diligently, indefatigably, industriously, intensely, intently, mightily, sedulously, tirelessly |