

单词 packs
例句 packsnounpl. of pack

a soft-sided case designed for carrying belongings especially on the backpart of basic training is becoming accustomed to taking very long hikes with an 80-pound pack

backpacks, kit bags, knapsacks, packsacks, rucksacks

haversackscarryalls, carry-ons, grips, handbags, holdalls(chiefly British), portmanteaus(or portmanteaux), suitcases, traveling bagsfanny packs, school bags, seabagsovernight bags, overnight cases, weekend bags

a wrapped or sealed case containing an item or set of itemsshe tucked a small pack of lozenges into her bag

bundles, packages, packets, parcels

bags, pokes(chiefly Southern & Midland), pouches, sacksbalesboxes, containers, crates

a considerable amountit took a pack of courage to stand up before that crowd and tell the truth

abundances, barrels, basketfuls(also basketsful), boatloads, buckets, bunches, bundles, bushels, carloads, chunks, deals, dozens(or dozen), fistfuls, gobs, good deals, heaps, hundreds(or hundred), lashings(also lashins, chiefly British), loads, lots, masses, messes, mountains, much, multiplicities, myriads, oodles, passels, pecks, piles, platefuls, plenitudes, plenties, plentitudes, potfuls, pots, profusions, quantities, rafts, reams, scads, sheaves, shiploads, sights, slews, spates, stacks, stores, tons, truckloads, volumes, wads, wealths, yards

epidemics, plagues, rashesbonanzas, embarrassments, excesses, overabundances, overages, overkills, overmuch, oversupplies, plethoras, redundancies, superabundances, superfluities, surfeits, surplusesdeluges, floods, overflowsarmies, bevies, crams, crowds, crushes, droves, flocks, herds, hordes, hosts, legions, mobs, multitudes, presses, scores, seas, swarms, throngsgazillions, jillions, kazillions, millions(or million), thousands, trillions, zillions

all kinds (of), quite a bit

aces, bits, dabs, drams, driblets, glimmers, handfuls(also handsful), hints, licks, little, mites, mouthfuls, nips, ounces, peanuts, pinches, pittances, scruples, shades, shadows, smidgens(also smidgeons or smidgins or smidges), specks, spots, sprinkles, sprinklings, strains, streaks, suspicions, tastes, touches, traces

atoms, crumbs, dots, flecks, flyspecks, fragments, grains, granules, iotas, jots, modicums, molecules, motes, nubbins, particles, rays, scintillas, scraps, shreds, tittles, whitssmatterings, smattersdashes, drops, morsels, shotspieces, portions, sectionsabsences, dearths, famines, lacks, paucities, poverties, scarcities, shortages, undersupplies, wantsdeficiencies, deficits, inadequacies, insufficiencies

a group of people sharing a common interest and relating together sociallyhad run with a pack of hot-rodders when he was in high school

bodies, bunches, circles, clans, cliques, communities, coteries, covens, crowds, folds, galères, gangs, klatches(also klatsches), lots, networks, rings, sets

charmed circles, elites, in-groupsclosed shopsclubs, colleges, fellowships, guilds(also gilds), leagues, organizations, societiescamps, factions, sects, sides, tribesmesses, squadsbrotherhoods, fraternities, orders, sisterhoods, sodalities, sororitiescommunesalliances, blocs, coalitions, confederations, congresses, councils, federations, unions


packsverbpresent tense third-person singular of pack

to close up so that no empty spaces remaincarefully pack the food containers so we'll have as much as possible for the picnic

blocks, bungs, dams, fills, plugs, stops, stuffs

chokes, clogs, closes (off), clots, congests, jams, obstructs, occludescaulks(or calks), chinks, sealsrepacks, restuffs

excavates, hollows (out), scoops (out), shovels

to put into (something) as much as can be held or containedI had packed the suitcase so tightly that it wouldn't close

brims, charges, crams, fills, heaps, jam-packs, jams, loads, stuffs

drenches, floods, gluts, swampsbloats, bulkscrowds, crushes, mats, presses, rams, shoves, squashes, squeezesrefills, refreshes, reloads, repacks, replenishesovercharges, overfills, overflows, saturateshoneycombs, penetrates

clears, empties, evacuates, vacates, voids

lightensdepletes, drains, eliminates, exhaustsbleeds, draws (off)cleans, flushes, purges, scours, sweeps

to support and take from one place to anotherremember to pack several changes of clothing

bears, carries, carts, conveys, ferries, hauls, lugs, totes, transports

delivers, hands over, transfersforwards, sends, ships, transmitsbrings, fetches, takesmoves, removes, shifts

to wear or have on one's persona private detective packing a weapon

bears, carries

flaunts, shows off, sportsdisplays, exhibits, parades, shows





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