

单词 paleoconservative
例句 paleoconservativeadjective

tending to favor established ideas, conditions, or institutionsmembers of the religious sect are positively paleoconservative in their beliefs on the proper role of women

archconservative, brassbound, button-down(or buttoned-down), conservative, die-hard, hidebound, mossbacked, old-fashioned, old-line, old-school, orthodox, reactionary, standpat, traditional, traditionalistic, ultraconservative, unprogressive

conventional, squaredevoted, faithful, loyal, staunch(also stanch), steadfast, steady, true, true-blueblimpish, neoconservative, Tory, ultraright, ultrarightistdowdy, fogyish(or fogeyish), fuddy-duddy, ossified, set, stodgyright, right-wingantiliberal, antimodern, antiprogressive, antireform, antirevolutionary

broad-minded, large-minded, liberal, nonconservative, nonconventional, nonorthodox, nontraditional, open-minded, progressive, unconventional, unorthodox

anticonventional, antiestablishment, antitraditional, extremist, radical, revolutionarynonconformistadvanced, contemporary, modernlefty, radical, ultraleft, ultraleftist, ultraprogressive, ultraradical


a person whose political beliefs are centered on tradition and keeping things the way they arepaleoconservatives who would never sanction gambling casinos in their state

archconservative, conservative, reactionary, right-winger, rightist, Tory, traditionalist

right, right-wingconformistneocon, neoconservativediehard, standpatterbourbon, Colonel Blimp, fuddy-duddy, square, stuffed shirt

leftist, left-winger, lefty, liberal, progressive

extremist, radical, red, revolutionary, revolutionistreformer, reformist

in 1981





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