例句 |
hangs aboutverbpresent tense third-person singular of hang aboutBritish to spend time doing nothinga tea house near campus where many university students could be seen hanging about bums, chills, dallies, dawdles, dillydallies, drones, footles, goofs (off), hacks (around), hangs (around or out), idles, kicks around, kicks back, lazes, lazies, loafs, lolls, lounges, vegges out(or veges out) fiddles (around), fools, messes, monkeys, mucks, piddles, plays, potters (around), putters (around), triflesdozes, estivates(also aestivates), hibernateslags, lingers, loiters, pokes, relaxes, rests, tarriesambles, moseys, saunters, strolls, swansfurloughs, goldbricks, malingers, truants kills time, twiddles one's thumbs drudges, grinds, grubs, humps, hustles, labors, moils, pegs, plods, plows, plugs, slaves, sweats, toils, travails, worksapplies, buckles (down)exerts, puts out to spend time in aimless activitywe'll be hanging about at the pub if you need us doodles, fiddles (around), fools around, fribbles, goofs (around), kicks around, messes around, monkeys (around), plays, potters (around), putters (around), trifles dallies, dawdles, dillydallies, hangs (around or out), idles, loafs, lolls, loungesclowns (around), horses arounddiddles (with), tinkers buckles (down), knuckles down, sets (to), settles (down) |