例句 |
happeningsnounpl. of happening an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthandthe President's visit to the school was a real happening for teachers and students alike adventures, emprises, experiences, exploits, gests(or gestes), times escapades, larks, ploysactions, acts, deeds, doings, featsepisodes, occasionsbaptisms, ordeals, tests, trials, tribulationsenterprises, risks, venturesexpeditions, explorations, missions, performances, quests, stunts bores, bummers, busts, downers, drags something that happensgave a detailed account of all the happenings of the weekend affairs, circumstances, episodes, events, haps, incidents, occasions, occurrences, things coincidences, co-occurrences, flukes, freakslandmarks, mileposts, milestones, pages, phenomena(or phenomenons), turning pointsadventures, experiences, timeshappenchances, happenstancesaccidents, crises, emergencies, juncturesachievements, deeds, exploits, featsnews, tidings |