

单词 hard
例句 hardadjective

having or showing a lack of sympathy or tender feelingsa hard man, who never had a kind word for anyone

affectless, callous, case-hardened, cold-blooded, compassionless, desensitized, hard-boiled, hard-hearted, heartless, indurate, inhuman, inhumane, insensate, insensitive, ironhearted, merciless, obdurate, pachydermatous, pitiless, remorseless, ruthless, slash-and-burn, soulless, stony(also stoney), stonyhearted, take-no-prisoners, thick-skinned, uncharitable, unfeeling, unmerciful, unsparing, unsympathetic

boorish, heedless, inconsiderate, thoughtless, uncaring, unfriendly, unloving, unthinkinggrim, hard-bitten, harsh, heavy-handed, ironfisted, ironhanded, jackbooted, knock-down, drag-out(or knock-down-and-drag-out), oppressive, rough, rough-and-tumble, severe, sledgehammer, stern, tough, ungentleabusive, acrimonious, disagreeable, hateful, ill-natured, ill-tempered, malevolent, malicious, mean, rancorous, spiteful, surly, virulentbarbarous, bestial, brutal, brutish, cruel, evil-minded, savage, viciousaustere, cold, frosty

charitable, compassionate, humane, kindhearted, kindly, merciful, sensitive, softhearted, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted, warm, warmhearted

benevolent, benignant, gentle, kindclement, indulgent, lenient, mildcordial, friendly, good-natured, good-tempered, gracioustolerant, understandingaffectionate, fond, loving

requiring considerable physical or mental effortclearing land is hard worka hard exam to pass

arduous, Augean, backbreaking, challenging, demanding, difficult, effortful, exacting, formidable, grueling(or gruelling), heavy, hellacious, herculean, killer, laborious, moiling, murderous, pick-and-shovel, rigorous, rough, rugged, severe, stiff, strenuous, sweaty, tall, testing, toilsome, tough, uphill

abstract, abstruse, complex, complicated, elusive, hairy, insoluble, intricate, involved, knotty, opaque, problematic(also problematical), recondite, serious, spiny, stubborn, thorny, ticklish, trickybruising, burdensome, exhausting, labored, onerous, oppressive, stressful, taxing, tight, tryingannoying, bothersome, distressing, irksome, troublesome, vexatiousgrievous, grim, strict, stringentbrutal, cruel, inhuman, painful

cheap, easy, effortless, facile, light, mindless, simple, soft, undemanding

achievable, clear, doable, elementary, manageable, uncomplicatedcomforting, gentle, painless, relaxed, smooth, soothingaccessible, friendly, idiotproof, user-friendly

able to withstand hardship, strain, or exposurethey were forced to import sheep of a harder stock, one that could thrive in the harsh climate

cast-iron, hard-bitten, hardened, hardy, inured, rugged, stout, strong, sturdy, tough, toughened, vigorous

flinty, leathery, resilient, stalwartdurable, enduring, everlasting, immortal, imperishable, lasting, permanent, stable, staunch(also stanch), staying, tenacious, unyieldingflourishing, prospering, thrivingable-bodied, brawny, muscularfit, fortified, hale, healthy, husky, lusty, red-blooded, robust, sound, strapping, virileannealed, seasoned, tempered

delicate, nonhardy, soft, tender, weak

emasculated, enervated, enfeebled, exhausted, run-down, sapped, wasted, weakened, worn, worn outcrippled, debilitated, diseased, incapacitated, infirm, unsoundfragile, frail, punyresistless, sensitive, susceptible, unresistant, vulnerable, yieldingmortal, perishable, temporary, transient

based on sound reasoning or informationdo you have any hard evidence that this was once the site of a Native American village?

commonsense, commonsensible, commonsensical, firm, good, informed, just, justified, levelheaded, logical, rational, reasonable, reasoned, sensible, sober, solid, valid, well-founded

actual, real, truecertain, surecertified, validated, verifiedconfirmed, corroborated, substantiatedcogent, convincingcolorable, credible, plausible

groundless, illogical, invalid, irrational, nonrational, nonsensical, nonvalid, unfounded, uninformed, unjustified, unreasonable, unreasoned, unsound

unsubstantiated, unsupported, unwarrantedflimsy, implausible, unconvincing, weakfallacious, false, misguided, misled

difficult to endurethe hard life of a migrant farm worker

bitter, brutal, burdensome, cruel, excruciating, grievous, grim, hardhanded, harsh, heavy, inhuman, murderous, onerous, oppressive, rough, rugged, searing, severe, stiff, tough, trying

austere, bleak, comfortless, discomforting, forbidding, inhospitable, spartan, uncomfortablebiting, inclement, intemperate, wildrigorous, strict, stringentagonizing, heartbreaking, heartrending, painful, wretchedcrushing, grinding, overwhelming, wearinginsufferable, insupportable, intolerable, unbearable, unendurableharrowing, tortuousbad, disagreeable, hostile, unfriendly, unpleasant

easy, light, soft

comfortable, cozy, luxurious, snugagreeable, friendly, genial, hospitable, pleasantpeaceful, relaxing, reposeful, restfulbearable, endurable, painless, tolerablebalmy, calm, clement, gentle, mild, moderate, temperate

extreme in degree, power, or effecta carpet that withstood years of hard wear

acute, almighty, blistering, deep, dreadful, excruciating, explosive, exquisite, fearful, fearsome, ferocious, fierce, frightful, furious, ghastly, heavy, heavy-duty, hellacious, intense, intensive, keen, profound, terrible, vehement, vicious, violent

accentuated, aggravated, concentrated, deepenedemphasized, enhanced, heightened, intensified, magnifiedstressedexhaustive, thoroughharsh, rigorous, severe

light, moderate, soft

feeble, weakshallow, superficialmoderated, qualifiedalleviated, eased, lightened, toned (down)abated, decreased, diminished, lessened, reduced, subdued

given to exacting standards of discipline and self-restrainta hard disciplinarian who is quick to punish the tiniest violation of the rules

austere, authoritarian, flinty, harsh, heavy-handed, ramrod, rigid, rigorous, severe, stern, strict, tough

demanding, exactinguncharitable, unforgivingadamant, adamantine, callous, hardened, hard-hearted, hard-line, immovable, implacable, inflexible, merciless, ossified, pitiless, relentless, rock-ribbed, stiff, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unsparing, unyieldingdour, gruffascetic(also ascetical), monastic, monkishbrowbeating, bullyingdetermined, firm, resolved, single-minded, steadfast, unflinchingdogged, intractable, obstinate, relentless

clement, forbearing, gentle, indulgent, lax, lenient, tolerant

easy, easygoing, laid-back, undemandingcharitable, kind, merciful, mild, patient, soft, softheartedaccepting, compromising, yieldingresponsive, willingacquiescent, agreeable, amenable, complaisant, compliant, flexible, pliable, pliant

having a consistency that does not easily yield to pressurehard candiesfell on the hard floor and bruised her arm

compact, firm, rigid, solid, stiff, unyielding

case-hardened, compacted, compressed, hardened, indurated, stiffened, temperedclose, dense, heavy, thick, thicksetinelastic, inflexible, ramrod, unbendingcompressed, condensedadamantine, rocklikesturdy, substantialimpenetrable, impermeable, nonporous

flabby, soft, spongy, squashy, squishy

loose, scattered, thinbendable, elastic, flexible, malleable, pliable, pliant, suppledroopy, flaccid, floppy, lank, limp, slackairy, lightpermeable, porousultrasoft

having been established and usually not subject to changethere isn't always a hard line between right and wrong

certain, determinate, final, firm, fixed, flat, frozen, hard-and-fast, inexpugnable, set, settled, stable

nonadjustable, noncancelable, nonnegotiable, unchangeableconstant, steady, unchanging, uniform, unwaveringdefinite, exact, explicit, specificgiven, stated, stipulateddependable, good, reliable, responsible, safe, solid, sure, tried, tried-and-true, true, trustworthy, trusty

adjustable, changeable, negotiableindefinite, open-ended, unspecifiedcapricious, changeful, flickery, fluctuating, fluid, inconstant, mercurial, mutable, temperamental, uncertain, unpredictable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, variable, volatile

having or showing deep-seated resentmentmaintained hard feelings toward those who had cheated him

acrid, acrimonious, bitter, embittered, rancorous, resentful, sore

disaffected, discontented, disgruntled, malcontentcontemptuous, cynical, disdainful, misanthropic, scornfulangry, cruel, harsh, irritated, mad, rough, savage, vehement, vicious, virulent, vitriolicacid, caustic, cutting, mordant, sarcastic, trenchantknock-down, drag-out(or knock-down-and-drag-out)


caring, forgiving, gentle, kind, kindhearted, loving, sweet, sympathetic, tender, warm, warmhearted

sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasiona woman with a hard will who never budged from her chosen path

adamant, adamantine, bullheaded, dogged, hard-nosed, hardened, hardheaded, headstrong, immovable, implacable, inconvincible, inflexible, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, opinionated, ossified, pat, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, self-opinionated, self-willed, stiff-necked, stubborn, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, willful(or wilful)

anal-retentive, obsessivewayward, wrongheadeddetermined, hell-bent, inexorable, persistent, relentless, resolved, set, single-minded, steadfast, stouthearted, tenacious, unflinchingfirm, hard-line, hard-shell(or hard-shelled), iron, severe, stern, stricthidebound, narrow-minded, rigidbloody-minded(chiefly British), cantankerouscontrary, cussedcontumacious, disobedient, froward, insubordinate, intractable, recalcitrant, refractory, uncooperative, ungovernable, unmanageable, unrulydefiant, insurgent, mutinousindomitable, invincible, unconquerableconfirmed, inveterate, unregeneratedemanding, exacting

deaf to reason

acquiescent, agreeable, amenable, compliant, complying, flexible, pliable, pliant, relenting, yielding

docile, obedient, placable, submissive, tractableaccepting, persuadable, receptive, responsive, willinggovernable, manageable, reasonable, temperateslavish, subservient

restricted to or based on factthat newscast is strictly devoted to hard news, as the producers prefer to leave the gossip to others

documentary, factual, historical, literal, matter-of-fact, nonfictional, objective, true

actual, authentic, bona fide, genuine, real, rightdocumented, establishedconfirmable, reliable, supportable, sustainable, verifiabledemonstrable, provableincontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, irrefutable, undeniable, unquestionableplain, simplecertain, undoubted

fictional, fictionalized, fictitious, nondocumentary, nonfactual, nonhistorical, unhistorical

hypothetical, speculative, theoretical(also theoretic)apocryphal, unauthentic, undocumentedchimerical(also chimeric), fabulous, fanciful, fantastic(also fantastical), imaginary, imagined, invented, legendary, made-up, make-believe, mythical(or mythic), pretendembroidered, exaggeratedinsupportable, unsupportable


with great effort or determinationwe took a much-needed break after working hard all weeka hard-won victory

amain, arduously, assiduously, determinedly, diligently, doggedly, hardly, industriously, intensely, intensively, intently, laboriously, mightily, purposefully, resolutely, sedulously, slavishly, strenuously

actively, animatedly, briskly, busily, dynamically, energetically, feverishly, spiritedly, vehemently, vigorously, zealouslycontinuously, ploddingly, steadfastly, steadily, unabatedly, unrelentingly, unremittinglyardently, attentively, conscientiously, earnestly, exhaustively, meticulously, painstakingly, seriously, thoroughlyindefatigably, tirelessly, unflaggingly, untiringly, wearilesslyobstinately, stubbornly, willfully

casually, desultorily, halfheartedly, indolently, lackadaisically, languidly, lazily, listlessly, shiftlessly, sluggishly, spiritlessly, tiredly, wearily

with feelings of bitterness or grieftook the news of their grandfather's death hard

agonizingly, bitterly, dolefully, dolorously, grievously, hardly, inconsolably, lugubriously, mournfully, painfully, plaintively, regretfully, resentfully, ruefully, sadly, sorely, sorrowfully, unhappily, wailfully, woefully, wretchedly

abjectly, cheerlessly, crestfallenly, dejectedly, despairingly, despondently, disconsolately, dispiritedly, downheartedly, low-spiritedlyblackly, darkly, dismally, distressfully, distressingly, dourly, drearily, forlornly, gloomily, glumly, joylessly, mirthlessly, miserably, morosely, pessimistically, somberly, sullenlyacutely, harshly, keenly, piercingly, poignantly, severely, sharplycruelly, hurtfully, ill, rancorously

blissfully, gladly, happily, joyfully, joyously

cheerfully, cheerily, delightedly, gaily(also gayly), gleefully, good-naturedly, lightheartedly, merrily, mirthfully, rejoicingly, sunnilyblithely, blithesomely, calmly, casually, dispassionately, easily, impassively, indifferently, lightly, nonchalantly, stoically, unconcernedlyfavorably, well

in a vigorous and forceful mannerhit the ball hard, causing it to soar out of boundsthe wind blew hard all day

dynamically, energetically, explosively, firmly, forcefully, forcibly, mightily, muscularly, powerfully, roundly, stiffly, stoutly, strenuously, strongly, sturdily, vigorously

fiercely, hammer and tongs, robustly, roughshod, sharply, vehemently, violentlyactively, animatedly, briskly, crisply, eagerly, gamely, heartily, lustily, snappily, spiritedly, spunkily, vivaciouslydecidedly, determinedly, directly, emphatically, fast, fixedly, intensively, intently, purposefully, resolutely, rigidly, smartly, solidly, soundly, squarely, steadfastly, steadily, surelyaggressively, assertively, manfully, potently

like gangbusters, to beat the band, with a vengeance, with might and main

feebly, gently, softly, weakly

delicately, faintly, frailly, shakilybloodlessly, halfheartedly, languidly, lazily, listlessly, spiritlesslyimpotently, ineffectively, ineffectually, lamely, nervelessly, spinelessly, uncertainly

at, within, or to a short distance or timethe groom stood hard by, ready to help, as the lady mounted the skittish horse

around, by, close, in, near, nearby, nigh

hereabouts(or hereabout), hereaway(or hereaways, dialect), thereabouts(also thereabout)along, alongsideaccessibly, conveniently, handily

at close quarters, at hand, on one's doorstep, within call

in a manner so as to cause loss or sufferingthe dog had been treated hard by his previous owner

brutally, hardly, harshly, ill, oppressively, roughly, severely, sternly, stiffly

callously, cold-bloodedly, hard-heartedly, heartlessly, inhumanely, inhumanly, insensately, insensitively, mercilessly, obdurately, pitilessly, ruthlessly, tyrannically, uncharitably, unfeelingly, unmercifully, unsparinglyabusively, brutishly, savagely, viciouslyaggressively, assertively, decidedly, determinedly, firmly, grimly, gruffly, resolutely, strongly, toughly

clemently, gently, leniently, lightly, mildly, softly

benevolently, benignantly, considerately, cordially, graciously, kindly, lovingly, tenderlycharitably, compassionately, humanely, mercifully, softheartedly, sympathetically, tolerantly, understandingly

adj.hard, difficult, arduous mean demanding great exertion or effort.hard implies the opposite of all that is easy.farming is hard workdifficult implies the presence of obstacles to be surmounted or puzzles to be resolved and suggests the need of skill or courage.the difficult ascent of the mountainarduous stresses the need of laborious and persevering exertion.the arduous task of rebuilding

before the 12th century





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