例句 |
washyadjective lacking intensity of colorthe supposedly rich rose she had chosen for the house unexpectedly came out a washy pinkish shade dull, dulled, faded, light, pale, pastel, washed-out flat, lackluster, lusterless, matte(also mat or matt)dim, faintdirty, muddyachromatic, colorless, uncolored, undyed, unpainted, unstainedblanched, bleached, washed, white, whitenedgray(also grey), indistinct, neutral dark, deep, gay, rich bright, brilliant, vibrant, vividchromatic, colored, dyed, painted, stained, tinged, tintedcolorful, motley, multicolored, polychromatic, polychrome, prismatic, rainbow, varicolored, variegatedflashy, garish, gaudy, loud, showy, splashy not containing very much of some important elementthe economy needs some strong medicine right now, and our leaders are offering only washy gruel dilute, diluted, thin, thinned, watery, weak, weakened adulterated, watered-down full-bodied, rich, strong enriched, fortifiedconcentrated, condensed, evaporated in 1615 |