例句 |
weariesverbpresent tense third-person singular of weary to make weary and restless by being dull or monotonousthese constant complaints are really wearying me bores, jades, tires pallsburns out, does in, drains, enervates, exhausts, fags, fatigues, tuckers (out), washes out, wears, wears outdebilitates, disables, enfeeblesdejects, demoralizes, discourages, disheartens, dispirits puts to sleep absorbs, busies, engages, engrosses, enthralls(or enthrals), fascinates, grips, interests, intrigues activates, animates, energizes, enlivens, excites, galvanizes, invigorates, stimulates, strengthens, vitalizesamuses, entertainsallures, attracts, beguiles, bewitches, captivates, charms, enchants, hypnotizes, mesmerizesmonopolizes, preoccupiesbusies, immerses, involves, occupiespumps up, rallies, rouses, stirs to use up all the physical energy ofa whole day of hard physical labor had thoroughly wearied her breaks, burns out, busts, does in, does up, drains, exhausts, fags, fatigues, frazzles, harasses, kills, knocks out, outwears, tires, tuckers (out), washes out, wears, wears out debilitates, enervates, enfeebles, saps, wastes, weakens wears to a frazzle activates, energizes, invigorates, rejuvenates, strengthens, vitalizesrelaxes, rests, unwinds |