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slipperyadjective given to acting in secret and to concealing one's intentionsa bar where a lot of slippery characters were known to hang out furtive, shady, shifty, sly, sneaking, sneaky, stealthy artful, crafty, cunning, devious, foxy, guileful, slick, wilyclose, closemouthed, reticent, secretiveclandestine, covert, darkdeceitful, deceiving, deceptive, devious, duplicitous, trickish, tricky, underhand, underhandedcheating, crooked, defrauding, dishonest, dissembling, double-dealing, knavish, two-facedlying, mendacious, untrustworthy, untruthfulinsidious, perfidious, serpentine, treacherous aboveboard, forthright, plainspoken, straightforwardcandid, direct, foursquare, frank, open, plainhonest, trustworthy, truthful hard to find, capture, or isolatea slippery concept that we had trouble understanding elusive, evasive, fugitive cagey(also cagy), shiftyephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, impermanent, momentary, passing, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitoryinaccessible, inconvenient, unapproachable, unattainable, unavailable, unobtainable, unreachable, untouchable accessible, approachable, attainable, available, convenient, obtainable, reachable having or being a surface so smooth as to greatly reduce tractionhad trouble keeping upright on the slippery ice greased, greasy, lubricated, oiled, slick, slicked, slippy, slithery brushed, buffed, burnished, glossed, ground, polished, rubbed, shinedcoated, glazed, waxedsoapy, waxyrasped, sandblasted, sanded, sandpapered, scoured, scraped, scrubbed coarsened, rough, roughened, scuffed, uneven ca. 1500 |