例句 |
parcelsnounpl. of parcel a number of things considered as a unither absurd explanation for the collision was a parcel of lies arrays, assemblages, bands, banks, batches, batteries, blocks, bunches, clots, clumps, clusters, clutches, collections, constellations, groupings, groups, huddles, knots, lots, musters, packages, passels, sets, suites accumulations, aggregates, aggregations, conglomerationsagglomerations, assortments, hodgepodges, jumbles, miscellanies, mixtures, odds and ends, sundries, varietiescycles, runs, series, suits the whole kit and caboodle entities, items, singles, units a small area of usually open landwandered around the little parcel out back clearings, fields, grounds, lots, plats, plots, tracts commons, crofts(chiefly British)grasses, green, greenswards, lawnsglades, grasslands, heathlands, heaths, leas(or leys), meadows, moors, pasturelands, pastures a small piece of land that is developed or available for developmentsubdivided the huge farm into smaller parcels for sale lots, plats, plots, properties, tracts patchesfrontagesleasesdevelopmentsreal estates a usually small number of persons considered as a unita parcel of kids trailing at their heels arrays, bands, batches, batteries, bodies, boodles, bunches, clusters, clutches, consorts, constellations, crops, groupings, groups, huddles, knots, lots, parties, passels assemblies, collectives, congregations, gatherings, musters, organizationscircles, clans, cliques, coteries, fellowships, gangs, rings, rounds, setsfactions, guilds(also gilds), orders, schools, sectsbrigades, crews, outfits, phalanxes(or phalanges), platoons, posses, task forces, teamsalliances, blocs, coalitions, confederacies, confederations, federations, leagues, unionsbattalions, squadronsbevies, broods, coveys the whole kit and caboodle individuals, singles a wrapped or sealed case containing an item or set of itemsreceived a mysterious parcel in the mail bundles, packages, packets, packs bags, pokes(chiefly Southern & Midland), pouches, sacksbalesboxes, containers, crates |