

单词 paroxysms
例句 paroxysmsnounpl. of paroxysm

a sudden intense expression of strong feelinga paroxysm of laughter greeted the pratfall

agonies, blazes, bursts, ebullitions, eruptions, explosions, fits, flares, flare-ups, flashes, flushes, gales, gushes, gusts, outbursts, spasms, storms

blowups, grouches, rages, tantrumsecstasies, raptures, transportsdeliriums, firestorms, frenzies, furors

a violent disturbance (as of the political or social order)Darwin's introduction of the theory of evolution created paroxysms in both religion and science that are still being felt today

bouleversements, cataclysms, convulsions, earthquakes, storms, tempests, tumults, upheavals, uproars

insurgencies, insurrections, mutinies, overthrows, overturns, rebellions, revolts, revolutions, subversions, uprisings, upsetsfits, seizures, spasmseruptions, flare-ups, outbreaks, outburstsbluster, bobberies, bustles, coils, commotions, furores, furors, fusses, hubbubs, hullabaloos, hurly-burlies, pandemoniums, routs, rows, ruckuses, ructions, rumpuses, shindys(or shindies), squalls, stews, stirs, to-dos, turmoils, welters, williwaws





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