

单词 slobs
例句 slobsnounpl. of slob

a dirty or sloppy persona slob of a professor whose office was littered with a decade's worth of notes and student papers


slatterns, sluts(chiefly British)

neatniks, old maids

a person whose behavior is offensive to othershe's easy enough to get along with when he's not being a loudmouthed slob

bastards, beasts, bleeders(British), blighters(chiefly British), boors, bounders, buggers, buzzards, cads, chuffs, churls, clowns, creeps, cretins, cruds(slang), crumbs(slang), curs, dirtbags(slang), dogs, finks, heels, hounds, jerks, jokers, louses, louts, pills, rat finks, rats, reptiles, rotters, schmucks(slang), scumbags(slang), scums, scuzzballs(slang), skunks(also skunk), sleazebags(slang), sleazeballs(slang), sleazes, slimeballs(slang), slimes, snakes, so-and-sos(or so-and-so's), sods(chiefly British), stinkards, stinkers, swine, toads, varmints, vermin

barbarians, brutes, cavemen, Neanderthals, savagesloudmouths, vulgarianslowlifes(also lowlives), miscreants, rascals, rogues, roughnecks, scabs, scamps, scoundrels, villains, wretchesboobies, doofuses(also dufuses, slang), fools, jackasses, nincompoops, ninnies, nits(chiefly British), nitwits, nuts, schmoes(slang)airheads, birdbrains, blockheads, dinks(slang), dolts, dopes, dorks(slang), goons, half-wits, idiots, imbeciles, morons, turkeysbrats, insolents, nuisances, pests, snipssnobs, snoots, snotsdweebs(slang), nerds

sons of guns

heroes, heroines, idols, role modelsgentlemen, ladiesangels, saints

a member of the human raceyou just know some poor slob is going to get blamed for this mix-up

babies, beings, birds, bodies, bods(British), characters, cookies, creatures, customers, devils, ducks, eggs, faces, fish(or fishes), guys, heads, human beings, humans, individuals, lives, men, mortals, parties, people, personages, scouts, sorts, souls, specimens, stiffs, things, wights

hominids, homos, humanoidsbrothers(also brethren), fellowmen, fellows, neighborscelebrities, personalities, selves, somebodies

sons of man

animals, beasties, beasts, brutes, critters

an average or ordinary manI don't know much about trust funds, as I'm just some poor slob who has to work hard for a living

everymen, Joe Blows, Joe Six-Packs, John Does, little guys, little men, lugs

commoners, plebeians, plebs, proles, proletarianseverywomen, plain Janeslaborers, peons(or peones), workers

men in the street

big cheeses, big shots, big wheels, big wigs, fat cats, movers and shakers, VIPs





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