例句 |
smartsnounpl. of smart the ability to learn and understand or to deal with problemsshe had the smarts to start college at age 16, but perhaps not the emotional maturity brainpower, brain(s), gray matter, headpiece, intellect, intellectuality, intelligence, mentality, reason, sense eggheadedness, highbrowism, intellectualismbraininess, brillianceacumen, alertness, apprehension, astuteness, discernment, discriminability, insight, judgment(or judgement), perception, percipience, perspicacitycommon sense, horse sense, mother witaptitude, talentsagacity, sapience, wisdom, withead, mind, skull denseness, density, doltishness, dopiness, dullness(also dulness), dumbness, fatuity, feeblemindedness, foolishness, half-wittedness, idiocy, imbecility, senselessness, simpleness, slowness, stupidity smartsverbpresent tense third-person singular of smartto feel or cause physical painthe injection only smarted for a moment aches, hurts, pains bites, bleeds, burns, chafes, cramps, festers, itches, nags, pinches, pounds, racks, stings, swells, throbs, tingles, twingesagonizes, anguishes, suffersafflicts, harrows, torments, tortures |