例句 |
haynoun a very small sum of moneytheir credit card debt isn't hay—it'll take years to pay it off chicken feed(slang), chump change, dime, mite, peanuts, pin money, pittance, shoestring, song, two cents petty cash, pocket money, spending money big buck(s), boodle, bundle, fortune, king's ransom, megabuck(s), mint, wad bankroll, capital, funds, means, wherewithalopulence, pelf, riches, treasure, wealthheap, pile, potbonanza, mine, treasure trove, treasury slanga place set aside for sleepingdragging myself out of the hay on such a cold, dreary morning seemed like an act of sheer masochism bed, bunk, doss(chiefly British), kip, lair(British dialect), pad, rack, sack bedstead, futon, mattress, palletbunk bed, cot, couch, daybed, feather bed, four-poster, hammock, Murphy bed, shakedown, sleigh bed, sofa, sofa bed, studio couch, trundle bed, water bedbassinet, carry-cot(British), cradle, crib before the 12th century |