例句 |
hazardnoun something that may cause injury or harmthe tumbledown old barn was considered a fire hazard danger, imminence, menace, peril, pitfall, risk, threat, trouble snare, trapbooby trap guard, protection, safeguard, shield, wardasylum, harbor, haven, refuge, retreat, shelter the uncertain course of eventsit was only by hazard and good fortune that we found our way back to the trail accident, casualty(archaic), chance, circumstance, hap, luck fortuitousness, fortuity, haphazardry, randomness, uncertaintyfluke, happenchance, happenstancedestiny, doom, fate, fortune, lotdanger, peril, risk intent, intention, purposedesign, outline, plan, scheme hazardverbto place in dangerjust so the tourists could see the sea lions up close, the captain needlessly hazarded his ship adventure, compromise, endanger, gamble (with), imperil, jeopard, jeopardize, menace, peril, risk, venture intimidate, threatenexposesubjectchance, wager guard, protect, shelter, shieldpreserve, resume, save to take a chance onwas unwilling to hazard landing the plane on the small island, which didn't even have an airfield adventure, chance, gamble (on), risk, tempt, venture beard, brave, brazen, breast, challenge, confront, dare, defy, face, outbravecompromise, endanger, imperil, jeopardize, menaceexpose, subjectbet (on), wager run the risk of in the 14th century |