例句 |
headshipsnounpl. of headship the duty or function of watching or guarding for the sake of proper direction or controlwhile he was in the hospital, the CEO had his most trusted lieutenant assume temporary headship of the firm care, charges, guidance, oversights, regulations, stewardships, superintendences, superintendencies, supervisions, surveillances observances, observationsadministrations, controls, directions, generalships, hands, managementsleadershipsgovernments, reigns, rulesaegises(also egises), auspices, guardianships, protections, trusteeships, tutelages the place of leadership or commandthe person at the headship of the firm will face daunting challenges, given the current state of the economy chairs, driver's seats, heads, helms, reins chieftainships, commanderships, directorshipsforefronts, leads, vanguardscaptainships, chairmanships, deanships, dictatorships, generalships, governorships, kingships, masteries, masterships, premierships, presidencies, presidentships, superintendenciesdominances, dominions, jurisdictions, sovereignties(also sovranties), sways, upper handseminences, heights, pedestals, pinnacles, seats, thrones, tops ranks |