例句 |
coheresverbpresent tense third-person singular of cohere to be in agreement on every pointthe account in his journal coheres with the official report of the battle accords, agrees, answers, checks, chords, coincides, comports, conforms, consists, corresponds, dovetails, fits, goes, harmonizes, jibes, rhymes(also rimes), sorts, squares, tallies equals, matches, parallelsaligns(also alines), lines up, registers falls in with differs (from), disagrees (with) contradicts, disputes, gainsaysnegates, nullifiesclashes, conflicts, jars to form or enter into an association that furthers the interests of its membersbeset by personal animosities, the people of the neighborhood could not cohere into an effective civic association allies, associates, bands (together), clubs, coalesces, confederates, conjoins, cooperates, federates, leagues, unites cabals, collaborates, gangs up, hangs together, teams (up)incorporates, organizes, unionizesaffiliatesamalgamates, combines, conglomerates, consolidates, converges, groups, joins, mergesknots, links, ties, weds closes ranks, pulls together breaks up, disbands detaches, disengages, dissolves, disunites, divorces, parts, segregates, separates, severs, splits, sundersalienates, estranges, falls out |