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coilsnounpl. of coil a state of noisy, confused activityamidst the coil of the office renovations, we even managed to get some work done ados, alarums and excursions, ballyhoos, blathers, bluster, bobberies, bothers, bustles, clatters, clutters(chiefly dialect), commotions, corroborees(Australian), disturbances, dos(or do's, chiefly dialect), foofaraws, fun, furores, furors, fusses, helter-skelters, hoo-has(also hoo-hahs), hooplas, hubble-bubbles, hubbubs, hullabaloos, hurlies, hurly-burlies, hurricanes, hurry-scurries(or hurry-skurries), kerfuffles(chiefly British), moils, pandemoniums, pothers, rows, ruckuses, ructions, rumpuses, shindys(or shindies), splores(Scottish), squalls, stews, stirs, storms, to-dos, tumults, turmoils, uproars, welters, whirls, williwaws, zoos cacophonies, clamors, dins, howls, hue and cries, noises, outcries, rackets, roarsdisorders, upheavalseruptions, flare-ups, flurries, flutters, outbreaks, outburstsbrawls, fracases(or British fracas), frays, hassles, melees(also mêlées), scufflesdithers, fevers, frets, lathers, tizzies calms, hushes, peaces, quiets, quietudes, rests, tranquillities(or tranquilities)orders coilsverbpresent tense third-person singular of coilto follow a circular or spiral coursea vine coiling around a pillar corkscrews, curls, entwines, spirals, twines, twists, winds arches, arcs, bends, crooks, curves, hooks, sweeps, swerves, turns, veers, wheelsswirls, whirlscircles, encircles, loopsenlaces, interlaces, intertwines, lacesbows, bulgesmeanders, weaves, zigzags straightens |