例句 |
collateverb to bring together and put in orderThe research was collated from different sources into a single volume. archive, arrange, compile, organize, systematizeball, batch, bunch, cluster, huddleheap, pile, stackcombine, connect, join, link, merge, pool, unitescrape (up or together)re-collect, regather, regroupaccumulate, amass, assemble, bulk (up), collect, concentrate, congregate, constellate, corral, garner, gather, group, lump, pick up, round upband, brigade, muster, raise, rallyflock, herd, hive, pack, press, swarm, throng break up, disband, disintegrate, dissolve, separate, sever, split (up)dismiss, senddispel, disperse, dissipate, scatter compare, contrast, collate mean to set side by side in order to show differences and likenesses.compare implies an aim of showing relative values or excellences by bringing out characteristic qualities whether similar or divergent.compared the convention facilities of the two cities contrast implies an emphasis on differences.contrasted the computerized system with the old filing cards collate implies minute and critical inspection in order to note points of agreement or divergence.data from districts around the country will be collated in 1612 |