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attemptnoun an effort to do or accomplish somethingit took several attempts before we made good ice cream with an old-fashioned hand-cranked ice cream freezer assay(archaic), bash(chiefly British), bid, crack, endeavor, essay, fling, go, offer, pass, shot, stab, trial, try, whack, whirl striving, struggle, throes, undertakingtrial and error the act or action of setting upon with force or violenceseveral attempts on the life of the country's chief drug enforcement official aggression, assault, attack, blitz, blitzkrieg, charge, coup de main, descent, offense(or offence), offensive, onset, onslaught, raid, rush, strike ambuscade, ambushcounteraggression, counterassault, counterattack, counteroffensive, counterstrikesally, sortieenvelopment, flankingbreakthrough, foray, incursion, invasionpillage, ravage, sackair raid, bombardment, bombingsiege, stormbarrage, cannonade, fusillade, hail, salvo, volleywhammy defense, defensive, guard, shieldopposition, resistanceprotection, security, shelter attemptverbto make an effort to doafter attempting—and failing—to start the lawn mower on my own, I finally succeeded with a neighbor's help don't even attempt walking on your broken foot assay, endeavor, essay, seek, strive, try fight, strain, struggle, toil, trouble, workaim, aspire, hopeassume, take up, undertake have a go at, shoot at(or shoot for), try one's hand (at) drop, give up, quit v.attempt, try, endeavor, essay, strive mean to make an effort to accomplish an end.attempt stresses the initiation or beginning of an effort.will attempt to photograph the rare bird try is often close to attempt but may stress effort or experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something.tried to determine which was the better procedure endeavor heightens the implications of exertion and difficulty.endeavored to find crash survivors in the mountains essay implies difficulty but also suggests tentative trying or experimenting.will essay a dramatic role for the first time strive implies great exertion against great difficulty and specifically suggests persistent effort.continues to strive for peace in the 14th century |