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pastadjective having been such at some previous timea past editor of the newspaper erstwhile, former, late, old, once, onetime, other, quondam, sometime, whilom bygone, dead, defunct, departed, expired, extinct, gone, long-ago, vanished contemporary, current, extant, ongoing, present, present-daycoming, future, prospective, unborn pastnounthe events or experience of former timeswe spent a pleasant evening recalling the past together auld lang syne, history, yesterday, yesteryear, yore bygoneflashbackannals, chronicle, recordmemoirantiquity, long ago by-and-by, future, futurity, hereafter, offing, tomorrowmoment, now, present, today pastprepositionon or to the farther side ofI drive past the school every day beyond, over outside on the far side of inside subsequent to in time or orderit's ten minutes past six o'clock after, après, behind, below, following, next to since afore(chiefly dialect), ahead of, before, ere, of, previous to, prior to, to toward(or towards) in the 14th century |