例句 |
pastoraladjective of, relating to, associated with, or typical of open areas with few buildings or peoplepainted a pastoral scene of a flower-filled meadow bucolic, country, rural, rustic(also rustical) backwoods, backwoodsy, countrified(also countryfied), provincialagrarian, agriculturalnonurban, semirural urban citified, urbanizedmetro, metropolitan, municipalnonagricultural, nonfarm of, relating to, or characteristic of the clergypastoral advice to a young couple preparing to marry clerical, clerkly, ministerial, priestly, sacerdotal evangelical(also evangelic), missionaryapostolic, canonical, diaconal, diocesan, episcopal, papal, patriarchal, pontificalchurchly, ecclesiastic, ecclesiasticaldivine, holy, religious, sacramentalconventual, mendicant, monachal, monasticcaliphal, rabbinic(or rabbinical) lay, nonclerical, secular, temporal in the 15th century |