

单词 attendant
例句 attendantadjective

coming as a resultdreaded the coming flu season and the attendant flood of school absences

consequent, consequential, due (to), resultant

accompanying, coincident, concomitant


present at the same time and placethe movie stars' divorce and the attendant press coverage about it

accompanying, attending, coexistent, coexisting, coincident, coincidental, concomitant, concurrent

contemporaneous, contemporary, simultaneous, synchronousassociated, collateral, connected, linked, relatedconsequent, resultant, resultingensuing, following, subsequentaccidental, casual, chance, fluky(also flukey), fortuitous, freak, incident, incidental

unassociated, unconnected, unrelated


one that accompanies another for protection, guidance, or as a courtesylet the hotel attendant help them with their bags

companion, escort, guard, guide

chaperone(or chaperon), squireshadow, sidekickconductor, leader, pilotconvoy, courier, honor guard, outrider

something that is found along with something elsedisease is the inevitable attendant of poor sanitation

accompaniment, companion, concomitant, corollary, incident, obbligato

accessory(also accessary), adjunct, appendagecomplement, supplementcounterpart, fellow, mateconsequence, follow-upfixings, trimmings

in the 14th century





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