例句 |
patternoun friendly, informal conversation or an instance of thistheir patter could be heard down the hall backchat, cackle, causerie, chat, chatter, chin music, chin-wag(slang), chitchat, confab, confabulation, gab, gabfest, gossip, jangle, jaw, natter(chiefly British), palaver, rap, schmooze, small talk, table talk, talk, tête-à-tête colloquy, conference, discourse, parley, powwow(informal, now offensive), symposiumdebate, dialogue(also dialog), exchange, give-and-takecrosstalk, happy talkyak(also yack), yammer, yap the special terms or expressions of a particular group or fieldthe patter of highbrow criticism that one hears in fashionable art galleries argot, cant, dialect, jargon, jive, language, lingo, patois, shop, shoptalk, slang, terminology, vocabulary colloquial, colloquialism, idiom, localism, parlance, pidgin, provincialism, regionalism, speech, vernacular, vernacularismslanguagebureaucratese, computerese, cyberspeak, educationese, governmentese, journalese, technobabble patterverbto engage in casual or rambling conversationthe toddler pattered on for what seemed like hours babble, blab, cackle, chaffer(British), chat, chatter, chin(slang), converse, gab, gabble, gas, jabber, jaw, kibitz(also kibbitz), natter, palaver, prate, prattle, rap, rattle, run on, schmooze(or shmooze), talk, twitter, visit gossip, tattledescant, discuss, expatiateyak(also yack), yammer, yap blow smoke, chew the fat(also chew the rag), shoot the breeze, talk a blue streak in the 14th century |