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patternnoun a unit of decoration that is repeated all over something (as a fabric)a coverlet with a nosegay of tiny pink roses as the pattern design, figure, motif, motive schemedeviceadornment, caparison, decoration, embellishment, frill, garnish, ornament, trim a usual manner of behaving or doingher daily pattern begins with coffee and a bagel every morning for breakfast custom, fashion, habit, habitude, practice(also practise), ritual, second nature, trick, way, wont addictiondispositionbent, inclination, proclivity, set, tendency, tenor, turnbag, convention, form, mode, styleusage, usedeportment, manners, moresdrill, groove, jog trot, regime(also régime), regimen, rote, routine, rutaffectation, airs, poseattribute, characteristic, mark, traiteccentricity, kink, oddity, peculiarity, quirk, singularity, tic an established and often automatic or monotonous series of actions followed when engaging in some activitywith her, everything must be done strictly according to pattern drill, grind, groove, lockstep, rote, routine, rut, treadmill daily dozen, regimenhousekeepingcustom, fashion, habit, practice(also practise), trick, wontapproach, manner, method, procedure, strategy, style, tack, technique, waydesign, plan, program, schemeconvention, policy, tradition the way in which the elements of something (as a work of art) are arrangedmany of the artist's paintings use the same pattern of a lone figure surrounded by a vast landscape arrangement, composition, configuration, constellation, design, form, format, getup, layout, makeup, ordonnance motif, theme model, example, pattern, exemplar, ideal mean someone or something set before one for guidance or imitation.model applies to something taken or proposed as worthy of imitation.a decor that is a model of good taste example applies to a person to be imitated or in some contexts on no account to be imitated but to be regarded as a warning.children tend to follow the example of their parents pattern suggests a clear and detailed archetype or prototype.American industry set a pattern for others to follow exemplar suggests either a faultless example to be emulated or a perfect typification.cited Joan of Arc as the exemplar of courage ideal implies the best possible exemplification either in reality or in conception.never found a job that matched his ideal in the 14th century |