例句 |
patternsnounpl. of pattern a unit of decoration that is repeated all over something (as a fabric)a coverlet with a nosegay of tiny pink roses as the pattern designs, figures, motifs, motives schemesdevicesadornments, caparisons, decorations, embellishments, frills, garnishes, ornaments, trims a usual manner of behaving or doingher daily pattern begins with coffee and a bagel every morning for breakfast customs, fashions, habits, habitudes, practices(also practises), rituals, tricks, ways, wonts addictionsdispositionsbents, inclinations, proclivities, sets, tendencies, tenors, turnsbags, conventions, forms, modes, stylesusages, usesdeportments, manners, moresdrills, grooves, jog trots, regimens, regimes(also régimes), rotes, routines, rutsaffectations, airs, posesattributes, characteristics, marks, traitseccentricities, kinks, oddities, peculiarities, quirks, singularities, tics an established and often automatic or monotonous series of actions followed when engaging in some activitywith her, everything must be done strictly according to pattern drills, grinds, grooves, locksteps, rotes, routines, ruts, treadmills daily dozens, regimenshousekeepingscustoms, fashions, habits, practices(also practises), tricks, wontsapproaches, manners, methods, procedures, strategies, styles, tacks, techniques, waysdesigns, plans, programs, schemesconventions, policies, traditions the way in which the elements of something (as a work of art) are arrangedmany of the artist's paintings use the same pattern of a lone figure surrounded by a vast landscape arrangements, compositions, configurations, constellations, designs, formats, forms, getups, layouts, makeups, ordonnances motifs, themes |