例句 |
colloquialadjective used in or suitable for speech and not formal writingthe new coworker's rudeness soon began—to use a colloquial expression—to rub me the wrong way conversational, informal, nonformal, nonliterary, unbookish, unliterary, vernacular, vulgar dialectal, dialectical(also dialectic), nonstandard, regionalincorrect, nongrammatical, substandard, uneducated, ungrammatical, unlearnedslang, slangy bookish, formal, learned, literary standard, undialecticalcorrect, educated, genteel, grammatical, proper having the style and content of everyday conversationa colloquial essay on what makes a marriage successful chattery, chatty, conversational, dishy, gossipy, newsy casual, familiar, informal, intimate, tell-alldigressive, discursive, ramblingcommunicative, expansive, garrulous, talkative bookish, literary ceremonious, dignified, elevated, formal, solemn, stately in 1751 |