例句 |
columnistnoun a person who writes a newspaper or magazine columnThe columnist is known to take provocative positions that often shape the opinions of her readers. a gossip columnist blogger, journalist, newspaperman, paragrapher, reporter, sportswriterauthor, litterateur(or littérateur), pen, penman, scribe, scrivener, writerauteur, belletrist(also belle-lettrist), stylist, wordsmithcoauthor, coscenarist, cowriterghostwriter, hack, hatchet man, scribbler, wordmongerbiographer, hagiographerautobiographer, memoirist, memorialistfabulist, fictioneer, fictionist, novelist, romancer, storytelleressayist, pamphleteer, satiristdramatist, playwright, scenarist, screenwriter, scriptwriterprosaist, prosateur, proserbard, poet, rhymer, versifier nonauthor, nonwriter in 1917 |