例句 |
columnistsnounpl. of columnist a person who writes a newspaper or magazine columnThe columnist is known to take provocative positions that often shape the opinions of her readers. a gossip columnist bloggers, journalists, newspapermen, paragraphers, reporters, sportswritersauthors, litterateurs(or littérateurs), penmen, pens, scribes, scriveners, writersauteurs, belletrists(also belle-lettrists), stylists, wordsmithscoauthors(or co-authors), coscenarists(or co-scenarists), cowriters(or co-writers)ghostwriters, hacks, hatchet men, scribblers, wordmongersbiographers, hagiographersautobiographers, memoirists, memorialistsfabulists, fictioneers, fictionists, novelists, romancers, storytellersessayists, pamphleteers, satiristsdramatists, playwrights, scenarists, screenwriters, scriptwritersprosaists, prosateurs, prosersbards, poets, rhymers, versifiers nonauthors, nonwriters |