例句 |
attestsverbpresent tense third-person singular of attest to declare (something) to be true or genuinethe appraiser attests that the lamp is indeed an original Tiffany authenticates, avouches, certifies, testifies (to), vouches (for), witnesses guarantees, warrantsaffirms, asserts, avers, avows, professes, vows to make a solemn declaration under oath for the purpose of establishing a factan eyewitness who will attest to my innocence deposes, swears, testifies, witnesses verifiesvouchespromises, vows bears witness to give evidence or testimony to the truth or factualness ofI'll attest that she was at the party argues, authenticates, bears out, certifies, confirms, corroborates, substantiates, supports, validates, verifies, vindicates avouches, backs (up), testifies (to), vouches (for), witnessesguarantees, warrantsaffirms, asserts, avers, avows, declares, professesdemonstrates, documents, establishes, proves, reinforces(also reenforces) disproves, rebuts, refutes contradicts, gainsaysdenies, disavows, disclaimschallenges, contests, disputes, questions |