例句 |
attirenoun covering for the human bodyneeded some snazzy attire for the job interview apparel, clobber(British slang), clothes, clothing, costumery, dress, duds, garments, gear, habiliment(s), habit(archaic), rags, raiment, rig, rigging, threads, toggery, togs, vestiary, vestments, vesture, wear, wearables, weeds garderobe, wardrobearray, bravery, caparison, finery, gaiety(also gayety), glad rags, pretties, regalia, trimfoofaraw, frippery, gaudery, tawdry, trumpery(archaic)tatterscostume, ensemble, frock, garb, getup, guise, livery, outfitcivvies(also civies), mufticouture, prêt-à-porter(or pret-a-porter), ready-to-wear, tailoringactivewear, loungewear, outerwear, playwear, sportswearnightclothes, sleepwear, smallclothes, underclothes, underwearhaberdashery, menswear attireverbto outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothesmen attired in tuxedos for the awards banquet apparel, array, bedeck, caparison, clothe, costume, deck (out), do up, dress, dress up, enrobe, garb, garment, get up, gown, habit, invest, rig (out), robe, suit, tog (up or out), toilet, vesture cloak, frock, jacket, mantle, vestdrape, enswathe, hap(dialect), huddle, swaddle, swathe, wrapaccoutre(or accouter), bedight(archaic), equip, furnish, habilitate, outfit, tailor, uniformdress down, underdress disarray, disrobe, strip, unclothe, undress, untruss(archaic) denude, divest, uncover, undrape, unveil in the 13th century |