例句 |
attorneysnounpl. of attorney a person who acts or does business for anothertalked to the count's attorney about buying land from his estate agents, assignees, commissaries, delegates, deputies, envoys, factors, ministers, procurators, proxies, representatives, reps ambassadors, diplomatists, diplomats, emissaries, foreign ministers, legates, plenipotentiariesalternates, backups, pinch hitters, reliefs, replacements, stand-ins, subs, substitutes, surrogates, understudiesinformers, operatives, spiesbrokers, distributors, managersarbiters, arbitrators, compradors(or compradores), conciliators, go-betweens, intercessors, intermediaries, interposers, liaisons, mediators, middlemen, peacemakersmouthpieces, point men, point people, prophets, speakers, spokesmen, spokespeople a person whose profession is to conduct lawsuits for clients or to advise about legal rights and obligationsfinished law school and became an attorney advocates, attorneys-at-law, counselors(or counsellors), counselors-at-law, counsels, lawyers, legal eagles cocounsels(or co-counsels)district attorneys, prosecuting attorneys, prosecutors, solicitorscriminal lawyers, mouthpieces(slang), public defenders, trial lawyerssolicitorsjuristslawgivers, lawmakers, legislators, solonsambulance chasers, pettifoggers, Philadelphia lawyers, shysters |