

单词 heartbreaking
例句 heartbreakingadjective

causing unhappinessa heartbreaking story of a family torn asunder by war

depressing, dismal, drear, dreary, heartrending, melancholy, mournful, pathetic, sad, saddening, sorry, tearful, teary

deplorable, distressful, grievous, lamentable, unfortunate, woefuldiscomforting, discomposing, disquieting, distressing, disturbing, perturbingaffecting, moving, poignant, touchingdiscouraging, disheartening, dispiriting

cheering, cheery, glad, happy

heartening, heartwarming, inspiring, stimulating, stirring, upliftingagreeable, delightful, enjoyable, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, satisfying, welcomeexhilarating, thrilling

of a kind to cause great distressthe heartbreaking state of Main Street now that most of the businesses have closed

deplorable, distressful, distressing, grievous, heartrending, lamentable, regrettable, tragic(also tragical), unfortunate, unlucky, woeful

troublesome, vexatiousaffecting, doleful, moving, piteous, poignant, ruthful, touchingawful, dire, dreadful, fearful, severe, terriblealarming, disturbing, perturbing, traumatic, unsettlingcrushing, excruciating, harrowing, horrible, horrifying, intolerable, overwhelming, shocking, sickening, unbearablemiserable, pitiful, sad, wretchedcalamitous, disastrouspainful, raging, sharp

gratifying, pleasing, rewarding, satisfyingcomforting, encouraging, hearteningcheering, heartwarming, inspiringfortunate, happy, lucky

deserving of one's pitya heartbreaking attempt to escape that ends in disaster

heartrending, miserable, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poor, rueful, sorry, wretched

deplorable, lamentable, regrettableemotional, impressive, inspiringaffecting, moving, poignant, stirring, touchingawful, horrible, terribledistressing, disturbing, upsettinggrievous, mournful, sad, sorrowful, woeful

unimpressive, uninspiring

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