例句 |
heednoun a state of being awaretook heed of the students' learning styles so as to prepare appropriate lessons advertence, advertency, attention, awareness, cognizance, consciousness, ear, eye, knowledge, mindfulness, note, notice, observance, observation hyperawareness, hyperconsciousnessadvisement, care, concern, consideration, regard, watchapprehension, discernment, grasp, mind, perception, recognition, thought, understanding disregard, neglect, obliviousness, unawareness strict attentiveness to what one is doingpay heed to what you're doing with that knife while you're talking care, carefulness, closeness, conscientiousness, heedfulness, meticulosity, meticulousness, pains, scrupulousness advertence, advertency, attention, concentration, focus, observance, observationalertness, mindfulness, vigilance, watchfulnessdutifulness, irreproachability, irreproachableness, punctiliousness, responsibilitybother, effort, painstaking, troubleexactness, particularity, precision heedlessness, inattentiveness, negligence inadvertence, inadvertency, inattention, inobservance heedverbto take notice of and be guided byif we had heeded the ranger's advice, we might not have gotten lost follow, listen (to), mind, note, observe, regard, watch consider, contemplate, mull, ponder, weighcomply (with), conform (to), keep, obey, respectattend (to), hark (to), hear, hearken (to)mark, notice, see disregard, ignore, tune out brush (aside or off), discount, dismiss, gloss (over), gloze (over), neglect, pass over, pooh-pooh(also pooh), scorn, shrug offdefy, floutslight, snub to pay attention especially through the act of hearingthat boy never heeds when I caution him about running with his shoelaces untied attend, hark, harken, hear, hearken, listen, mind prick up one's ears ignore, tune out discount, disregard before the 12th century |