例句 |
heedlessadjective not paying or showing close attention especially for the purpose of avoiding troubleheedless drivers who back out of parking spaces without looking careless, incautious, mindless, unguarded, unsafe, unwary bold, impetuous, rash, recklessinattentive, regardlessblithe, inconsiderate, thoughtlessabsentminded, forgetful, unmindfullax, neglectful, negligent, remiss, slipshodimprudent, indiscreet, injudiciousinadvertent, unintentional, unplanned alert, cautious, circumspect, gingerly, guarded, heedful, safe, wary attentive, chary, observant, vigilant, watchfulforesighted, forethoughtful, providentcalculating, scheming, shrewdconsiderate, thoughtfulultracareful, ultracautious in 1565 |