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weltsnounpl. of welt a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrumentI'll hand ye a few welts with me stick and then we'll see how ye feel! bangs, bashes, bats, beats, belts, biffs, blows, bops, boxes, buffets, busts, chops, claps, clips, clouts, cracks, cuffs, dabs, douses(British), fillips, hacks, haymakers, hits, hooks, knocks, larrups(dialect), lashes, licks, pelts, picks, plumps, pokes, pounds, punches, raps, slams, slaps, slugs, smacks, smashes, socks, spanks, stingers, stripes, strokes, swats, swipes, switches, thuds, thumps, thwacks, wallops, whacks, whams, whops(also whaps) counterblows(or counter-blows), counterpunches, counters, counterstrokes(or counter-strokes)body blows, hands, kicks, knees, lefts, one-twos, rabbit punches, right-handers, rights, roundhouses, shivers, sidewinders, sucker punches, swings, uppercutscrunchers, kayos, knockdowns, knockouts, KOsbastinadoes(or bastinades), batterings, beatings, drubbings, lickings, pastings, thrashingswallopings, whippings, whips |