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commercenoun the buying and selling of goods especially on a large scale and between different placesa government agency in charge of regulating interstate commerce doings between individuals or groupswhen I was doing outside consulting for the company, I never had much commerce with the in-house staff sexual union involving penetration of the vagina by the penisrumors of commerce between the lady and the knight spread throughout the court coition, coitus, congress, copulating, copulation, coupling, intercourse, lovemaking, mating, relations, sex, sex act, sexual intercourse, sexual relations fornicationsafe sexcarnality, sexualitybreeding, inseminationdalliance, hanky-panky, whoopee getting it on, making love business, commerce, trade, industry, traffic mean activity concerned with the supplying and distribution of commodities.business may be an inclusive term but specifically designates the activities of those engaged in the purchase or sale of commodities or in related financial transactions.commerce and trade imply the exchange and transportation of commodities.industry applies to the producing of commodities, especially by manufacturing or processing, usually on a large scale.traffic applies to the operation and functioning of public carriers of goods and persons. in 1537 |