例句 |
comminationnoun an often public or formal expression of disapprovalthe tendency by some to regard every unfortunate natural disaster as a sign of the Almighty's commination of mankind's sinfulness censure, condemnation, denunciation, excoriation, objurgation, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof, riot act, stricture admonishment, admonition, castigation, chastisement, damnation, punishment, remonstrancebusiness, devil, dressing-down, lash, lecture, lesson, rap, scolding, talking-to, tongue-lashingbelittlement, criticism, deprecation, depreciation, disparagement, pan citation, commendation, endorsement(also indorsement) acclamation, honor, tributeencomium, eulogy, panegyric, plaudit(s), praiseapproval, blessing, sanction in the 15th century |