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commonplaceadjective being of the type that is encountered in the normal course of eventsa commonplace occurrence average, common, cut-and-dried(also cut-and-dry), everyday, garden-variety, normal, ordinary, prosaic, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, standard-issue, unexceptional, unremarkable, usual, workaday regular, typical, unextraordinaryfamiliar, homely, plain, plain-Jane, popular, vulgarnaturalcustomary, wontedinsignificant, trivial, unimportantfrequent, habitualexpected, predictable par for the course abnormal, exceptional, extraordinary, odd, out-of-the-way, strange, unusual curious, funny, peculiar, quaint, queeraberrant, anomalous, atypical, irregular, untypicalrare, recherché, scarcefantastic(also fantastical), phenomenalbizarre, far-out, Kafkaesque, outrageous, outré, wacky(also whacky), way-out, weird, wildeccentric, idiosyncratic, kooky(also kookie), nonconformist, oddball, offbeat, unconventional, unorthodoxfreak, freakishconspicuous, notable, novel, outstanding, prominent, salient, signal, striking, unexampled, unprecedentedsingular, unique, unparalleled often observed or encounteredthe large corporate mergers that have become commonplace common, common or garden(chiefly British), everyday, familiar, frequent, garden-variety, household, ordinary, quotidian, routine, ubiquitous, usual normal, regular, standardde rigueur, mandatory, obligatorygeneral, universalceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, incessant, unceasingendemic, popular, prevailing, prevalent, rampantperennial, recurrent, repeated a dime a dozen extraordinary, infrequent, rare, seldom, uncommon, unfamiliar, unusual aberrant, abnormal, irregular, unnaturalintermittent, occasional, sporadic used or heard so often as to be dulla thriller that uses the commonplace plot twist of the evil twin banal, cliché(also cliche), clichéd, cobwebby, hack, hackney, hackneyed, moth-eaten, musty, obligatory, shopworn, stale, stereotyped, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn twice-toldbromidic, platitudinal, platitudinouscanned, cardboard, conventional, cookie-cutter, derivative, imitative, ready-made, tried-and-true, unimaginative, uninspired, unoriginalnormal, ordinary, rote, routine, standard, stock, typical, usualarid, barren, boring, colorless, drab, dreary, drudging, dry, dull, dusty, flat, heavy, ho-hum, humdrum, jading, jejune, leaden, mind-numbing, monotonous, numbing, old, pedantic, pedestrian, ponderous, prosaic, stodgy, stuffy, tame, tedious, tiresome, tiring, undramatic, uninteresting, vapid, wearisome, weary, wearyingold-fashioned, old hat fresh, new, novel, original, unclichéd, unhackneyed animating, energizing, enlivening, exciting, galvanizing, invigorating, stimulatingabsorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving, rivetingatypical, extraordinary, strange, unaccustomed, uncommon, unfamiliar, unheard-of, unknown, unprecedented, unusualpathbreaking, pioneering, trailblazing commonplacenounan idea or expression that has been used by many peoplethe familiar summertime commonplace that "It's not the heat, it's the humidity" banality, bromide, chestnut, cliché(also cliche), groaner, homily, platitude, shibboleth, trope, truism conventional wisdom, party line, routineinanitygenerality, generalization, simplificationadage, proverb, saw, sayingold wives' tale, stereotype profundity in 1561 |