例句 |
companynoun an organized group of stage performersa city that is fortunate enough to have two thriving opera companies a group of people working together on a taska company of carpenters constructed the frame of the house in no time army, band, brigade, crew, gang, outfit, party, platoon, squad, team battalion, corps, troopforce, host, posse, stable, troupeadministration, department, help, personnel, staff a commercial or industrial activity or organizationshe works for a construction company business, concern, enterprise, establishment, firm, house, interest, outfit conglomerate, corporation, multinationalassociation, cartel, chain, combine, syndicate, trustagency, dealer, outletmicroenterprise the feeling of closeness and friendship that exists between companionsenjoying each other's company brotherhood, camaraderie, community, companionship, comradery, comradeship, fellowship, society amity, benevolence, cordiality, friendliness, friendship, goodwill, kindlinesscivility, comity, concord, harmony, rapportcharity, generosityaffinity, compassion, empathy, sympathychumminess, familiarity, inseparability, intimacy, nearnessaffection, devotion, fondness, love forlornness, loneliness, lonesomeness a position within viewI would prefer that you not mock your so-called friends while in my company presence, sight closeness, contiguity, immediacy, nearness, proximity companyverbto come or be together as friendsin her sermon the minister noted that Jesus had companied with the least privileged and most disadvantaged members of society associate, chum, consociate, consort, fraternize, hang (around or out), hobnob, hook up, mess around, pal (around), run, sort, travel affiliate, ally, attach, band, bond, club, collaborate, collude, confederate, conjoin, connect, cooperate, couple, gang, get along, get on, group, interrelate, join, knot, league, link, mingle, mix, rally, relate, side, socialize, team, tie, wedbefriend, friend be friends with, fall in with, keep company (with), rub elbows (with)or rub shoulders (with), take up with avoid, cold-shoulder, shun, snubalienate, estrangebreak up, disband, disperse, split (up)disjoin, dissociate, disunite, divorce, sever, split, sunder to go along with in order to provide assistance, protection, or companionshipmay the Good Lord company you on your journey home accompany, attend, chaperone(or chaperon), companion, convoy, escort, see, squire walkassociate, consort, pal (around), team (up)defend, guard, protectbring, conduct, guide, lead, pilot, steer, usherfollow, shadow, tag, tag along, tailhang (around), hover (over) abandon, desert, ditch, dump, forsake in the 13th century |