例句 |
compartmentnoun one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divideda backpack with many handy compartments for storing your camping gear bay, cabin, cell, chamber, cube, cubicle cubbyhole, pigeonhole, snuggery(chiefly British)alcove, niche, nook, recesscabinet, drawer, lockercavity, hole, hollowbooth, box, crib, loge, stallbunker, crypt, vault compartmentverbto arrange or assign according to typecompartment the responses according to country of origin assort, break down, categorize, class, classify, codify, compartmentalize, digest, distinguish, distribute, grade, group, peg, place, range, rank, relegate, separate, sort, type array, dispose, draw up, marshal(also marshall), order, organize, systematizealphabetize, catalog(or catalogue), file, index, list, referpigeonhole, shelveidentify, recognizecull, screen, set, sieve, sift, winnowclump, cluster, colligaterecategorize, reclassify, regroupsubcategorize confuse, disarrange, jumble, lump, mix (up), scramblemisclassify, missort, mistype ca. 1578 |