

单词 heralds
例句 heraldsnounpl. of herald

a person who actively supports or favors a causean outspoken herald of prison reform

advocates, advocators, apostles, backers, boosters, champions, espousers, exponents, expounders, friends, gospelers(or gospellers), hierophants, high priests, paladins, promoters, proponents, protagonists, supporters, true believers, tub-thumpers, white knights

loyalists, partisans(also partizans), stalwartsadherents, cohorts, disciples, followersinterpretersapplauders, cheerleaders, encouragers, fellow travelers

adversaries, antagonists, opponents

enemies, foes, rivalsbelittlers, critics, faultfinders

one that announces or indicates the later arrival of anotherthe American robin—the herald of spring in the North

angels, foregoers, forerunners, harbingers, outriders, precursors

foreboders, foreshadowers, foretastes, forewarningsadvertisers, announcers, blazoners, criers, proclaimerscouriers, messengers, runnersauguries, auspices, bodings, forebodings, foreshadowings, omens, portents, presagesmarks, signs, symptomsbellwethers

heraldsverbpresent tense third-person singular of herald

to give a slight indication of beforehandthe reshuffle of the company's management heralded the sweeping changes to come

adumbrates, foreruns, foreshadows, harbingers, prefigures

anticipates, foreknows, foreseesforecasts, foretells, predicts, prognosticates, prophesiesforewarnsaugurs, bodes, forebodes(also forbodes), portends, presages, promisesalludes, connotes, hints, implies, insinuates, intimates, suggests

to make known openly or publiclyherald the great tidings to all the world

advertises, announces, annunciates, blares, blazes, blazons, broadcasts, declares, enunciates, flashes, gives out, placards, posts, proclaims, promulgates, publicizes, publishes, releases, sounds, trumpets

barks, calls (off or out), criesbillboards, bills, bulletins, gazettes(chiefly British)knells, rings, tollsblurbs, features, pitches, plugs, promotes, puffsdisseminates, spreadsdiscloses, divulges, introduces, kithes(chiefly Scottish), manifests, reports, reveals, showsadvises, apprises, hands down, informs, notifiescommunicates, imparts, intimates

beats the drum (for or about), runs with

conceals, hushes (up), silences, suppresses, withholdsrecalls, recants, retracts, revokes





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