例句 |
resultsnounpl. of result a condition or occurrence traceable to a causethe frequent computer crashes are an unexpected result of the new security software we installed aftereffects, aftermaths, backwashes, children, conclusions, consequences, corollaries, developments, effects, fates, fruits, issues, outcomes, outgrowths, precipitates, products, resultants, sequels, sequences, upshots ramificationsdenouements(also dénouements), echoes(also echos), implications, repercussionsafterclaps, afterglows, aftershocksblowbacks, by-products, fallouts, offshoots, ripples, side effects(also side reactions), spin-offs matters of course antecedents, causations, causes, occasions, reasons considerations, determinants, factorsbases, bases, foundations, grounds, groundworksimpetuses, incentives, inspirations, instigations, stimulimothers, origins, roots, sources, springs something attained by mental effort and especially by computationa nonpartisan panel of experts did the math on the proposed tax cuts and spending programs and the result was an $800 billion federal deficit answers, solutions conclusions, determinations, explanations, findingsclues, keys |