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higgledy-piggledyadjective lacking in order, neatness, and often cleanlinessthe quilt was a higgledy-piggledy patchwork of odd-shaped fabric scraps, each of which held a fond memory for the family chaotic, cluttered, confused, disarranged, disarrayed, disheveled(or dishevelled), disordered, disorderly, hugger-mugger, jumbled, littered, messed, messy, muddled, mussed, mussy, pell-mell, rumpled, sloppy, topsy-turvy, tousled, tumbled, unkempt, untidy, upside-down bedraggled, befouled, begrimed, bemired, besmirched, blackened, cruddy, dingy, dirty, draggled, filthy, foul, grimy, grotty(chiefly British), grubby, grungy, mucky, nasty, smudged, soiled, spotted, squalid, stained, sullied, unclean, uncleanlydowdy, frowsy(or frowzy), shaggy, slatternly, sloven, slovenly, uncombedwrinkledadulterated, contaminated, defiled, polluted, taintedknotted, snarled, tangledseedy, shabby, sleazy, sordidneglected, neglectful, negligent at sixes and sevens, out of joint bandbox, crisp, kempt, neat, neatened, ordered, orderly, organized, shipshape, snug, tidied, tidy, trim, uncluttered, well-ordered antiseptic, clean, cleaned, cleanly, hygienic, immaculate, sparkling, spick-and-span(or spic-and-span), spotless, stainless, unsoiled, unsulliedmethodical(also methodic), regular, systematic, systematizedcareful, fastidious, finicky, fussy, meticulouscombed, groomed, manicured, well-groomedtaintless, undefiled, unpolluted, untainted, wholesome in 1598 |