例句 |
paying offverbpresent participle of pay off to give what is owed forI finally paid off the loan anteing (up), balancing, clearing, discharging, footing, liquidating, meeting, paying, paying up, ponying up, quitting, recompensing, settling, springing (for), standing repudiating to influence someone with a bribeshe paid off the security guard so that she could steal whatever she liked bribing, buying, corrupting, having, squaring fixing, tampering (with)abasing, debasing, debauching, defiling, degrading, demeaning, depraving, dishonoring, perverting, poisoning, profaning, prostituting, subverting, tainting, warpingalluring, baiting, beguiling, enticing, leading on, luring, seducing, temptingmotivating, provoking, spurring, stimulatinggoading, inducingflattering, persuadingsnaring, trapping getting at, greasing the hand of(or greasing the palm of), oiling the hand of(or oiling the palm of) |