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payoffnoun the amount of money left when expenses are subtracted from the total amount receivedthe payoff on the investment was only about $500 earnings, gain, lucre, net, proceeds, profit, return cleanup, killing, windfallbottom linegross, salescompensation, emolument, income, pay, payment, remittal, requital, salary, wagesinterest, revenue, yield charge, cost, disbursement, expenditure, expense, loss, outgo, outlay pay offverbto give what is owed forI finally paid off the loan ante (up), balance, clear, discharge, foot, liquidate, meet, pay, pay up, pony up, quit, recompense, settle, spring (for), stand repudiate to influence someone with a bribeshe paid off the security guard so that she could steal whatever she liked bribe, buy, corrupt, have, square fix, tamper (with)abase, debase, debauch, defile, degrade, demean, deprave, dishonor, pervert, poison, profane, prostitute, subvert, taint, warpallure, bait, beguile, entice, lead on, lure, seduce, temptmotivate, provoke, spur, stimulategoad, induceflatter, persuadesnare, trap get at, grease the hand of(or grease the palm of), oil the hand of(or oil the palm of) in 1607 |