例句 |
authorizationsnounpl. of authorization the approval by someone in authority for the doing of somethingyou will need the authorization of the council before you can act allowances, clearances, concurrences, consents, green lights, leaves, licenses(or licences), permissions, sanctions, sufferances, warrants imprimaturs, seals, signatures, stampsaccreditations, certificationsliberties, passesconcessions, patents, permitstolerances, tolerationsacceptances, acquiescences, agreements, assents, OKs(or okays)accords, grants interdictions, prohibitions, proscriptions denials, refusals, rejections, revocationstaboos(also tabus)injunctions, vetoesdeterrences, discouragements, repressions, suppressionsbans, embargoes, exclusions the granting of power to perform various acts or dutieshis authorization to go ahead with the project was finally given accreditations, commissions, delegations, empowerments, licenses(or licences), mandates commendations, consignments, entrustmentsfacilitations, promotionsorderings the right to act or move freelygranted authorization to enter the military facility freedoms, free hands, latitudes, licenses(or licences), runs authorities, clutches, commands, controls, dominions, grips, holds, mandates, masteries, powers, swaysranges, room, spacesblank checks, cartes blanches |