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authorizeverb to give official or legal power toonly the school nurse is authorized to give any necessary shots accredit, certify, charter(British), commission, empower, enable, invest, license(also licence), qualify, vest, warrant approve, clear, credential, endorse(also indorse), OK(or okay), sanctionaffirm, confirm, validateinaugurate, induct, initiate, install, instate, swear inallow, let, permitenfranchise, entitle, privilege disqualify ban, bar, block, constrain, deny, disallow, disbar, discourage, disenfranchise, disfranchise, exclude, hinder, hold back, impede, inhibit, obstruct, prevent, shut out, stopenjoin, forbid, interdict, outlaw, prohibit, proscribe, veto to give a right tothis pass will authorize you to go backstage entitle, privilege, qualify empower, enable, enfranchise, license(also licence)approve, endorse(also indorse)allow, let, permitaccredit, certificate, certify, charter(British), ratifylegitimize, sanction, validate, warrantreaccredit, reapprove, recertify, recharter, revalidate disqualify disable, disempower, disenfranchisedecertifydisallow, forbid, proscribedelegitimize, invalidate, nullify to give official acceptance of as satisfactorya system for sound reproduction that has been authorized as meeting the electronic industry's highest standards accredit, approbate, approve, clear, confirm, finalize, formalize, homologate, OK(or okay), ratify, sanction, warrant accept, acknowledge, affirmcertify, endorse(also indorse), validatebless, canonize, sanctifyinitial, rubber-stamp, sign, sign off (on)allow, enable, legalize, license(also licence), pass, permitreapprove decline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject, turn down, veto ban, enjoin, forbid, illegalize, interdict, prohibit, proscribedisregard, ignore, neglect, overlookrebuff, rebut, refuse, spurn in the 14th century |