例句 |
autonoun a self-propelled passenger vehicle on four wheelsthe auto gave people a level of mobility that they had never known before automobile, bus, car, horseless carriage, machine, motor, motor vehicle, motorcar, wheels(slang) coach, jitney, microbus, minibus, minivan, omnibus, vanconvertible, fastback, hardtop, hatchback, notchback, ragtop, sports car, sport-utility vehicle, station wagon, SUV, town car, wagon, woody(or woodie)compact, coupe(or coupé), intermediate, limousine, mini, minicar, sedan, subcompact, V-8gas-guzzler, land yachtmuscle car, stock car, turbocarbeater, clunker, crate, flivver, jalopy, junkercream puffphaeton, roadster, tin lizzie, touring carhybrid in 1876 |